#78: Use an Arduino to draw pictures on an oscilloscope using XY mode
#78: Use an Arduino to draw pictures on an oscilloscope using XY mode

This video shows a simple project that uses an Arduino to draw simple pictures on an oscilloscope screen using XY mode. The "real" work was done by my friend John. He created a simple program/sketch for a microcontroller to draw a Christmas tree on a scope using XY mode. Here is a link to John's blog post that describes his work, and includes links to the code: http://www.johngineer.com/blog/?p=648 I simply took his code and modified it to draw out my call sign. I shortened up the time constants of the RF filters on the PWM outputs (8.2K and 0.047uf vs. 10K and 0.1uF) because I had more points to draw and shortened the delay used in the loop to give a decent tradeoff between flicker and distortion.
