VA3ELE Rare grid DX Expedition June 27, to July 3, 2018
VA3ELE Rare grid DX Expedition June 27, to July 3, 2018

2m, 6m and also EME on 432.

Rare grid DX Expedition June 27, to July 3, 2018

This map shows location of FN27/28 which was missed on my trip back in
2015, now I will take the time to catch these two grids.

The rest of the route is shown all the way up to F054bt.

Grids in the path are:

FN16, 26, 17, 27, 28, 19.
FO10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 33, 43, 44 & FO54.

I will not be stopping in FN16 OR FN26, but, I may be able to work a few
stations while mobile using my HALO and the 250 watt amp on 2m.

On the way back home, I will use my 6m HALO while mobileto hand out the
grids where possible.


For Meteor Scatter on 2m and 6m I will use 144.170 & 50.270, I will always
TX FIRST regardless. I will be using just my call (VA3ELE) and not VA3ELE/P
or VE2/VA3ELE for MS as this requires additional and un-neccessary data to
be sent and received which can add valuable time needed to complete a QSO.

MSK144 will be the mode on both bands for MS and I will always be using 15
second sequences. On 2m I will be using CM & SH ON. On 6m I will be using
CM on. Once I receive a RRR or a 73 the QSO is good and I will move on and
either start calling CQ or work another station. I will not be sending a 73
after I finish a MS QSO. You will have to assume the QSO is good if you
hear me working another station or calling CQ.


For EME I will be operating on 432.072 MHz. I may be ever so slightly above
or below this frequency if I happen to land on a bad birdy. if you decode
my CQ, please call me, if you see I am answering a caller, please be
patient. When I decode a station, I will reply with BOTH CALLS and MY GRID.
I do not need your grid. If you have decoded BOTH CALLS and MY GRID, I will
be EXPECTING SHORT HAND message RO, I will then reply with SHORT HAND RRR.
I will then listen for your 73. If I receive a RRR I will begin with the
next caller on the list, or if no callers, I will call CQ. When you see me
calling CQ or the next caller, that will be your confirmation that our QSO
is completed. This process has worked on the past trips and was proven
successful and saved a bit of time during pile ups.

I will be calling CQ and TX2 as VA3ELE FOxx (not sure exactly which grid
will be the best clearing for a moon horizon as the moon will only peak at
25 degees of elevation). Unfortunately conditions will not be optimum with
a 3dB degradation and MNR doesn't look good to EU, but, I'm hoping things
will work out with Faraday in our favor.

When not on 432 EME, I will do a little more MS on 144.

During the drive back Monday and Tuesday, I will concentrate on 6m MS/Es
with just my HALO while mobile.

Pardon the short notice, but, this is all I can manage between my work

I will not have cellular service / internet during most of my time in the
FO grids with the exception of FO10 and FO13, and even then it may be
spotty. Please understand that if I don't reply, this is why. I am working
on a solution to maintain sporadic contact with my friend Gedas, W8BYA who
will be my liaison station on HF to post messages for me on the various
reflectors (PJ, HB9Q, etc), if needed when I have no cell coverage.

Final note, I may try to find an operating area from FO13, near Radisson,
Quebec to operate on EME, that will give internet access. For now, all
plans are in effect as stated above.

73 de Peter