Łączności eme na ssb zaliczają się do trudnych, ale dających dużą satysfakcję i udział stacji polskich
jest również mocno zauważalny.
PS. w tym momencie zawody jeszcze trwają

Peter G3LTF napisał:
I just hope everyone else enjoyed this event as much as I did. The conditions were excellent and the wx in the UK was calm, however I suspect ( by the absence of a number of signals), that the bad wx in central Europe kept some off the air. All contacts were random except one where I gave the QRG on the reflector. I worked 26, PI9CAM, HB9CW, OK2DL, SP6JLW, HB9Q, SM7FWZ, DJ8FR, PA3DZL, G4CCH, OZ6OL, DL3EBJ, SP6ITF, I1NDP, RA3EC, IW2FZR, SP2HMR, DF3RU, PA2DW, N4PZ, SP5GDM, VE6TA, VE4SA, VE6BGT, NOOY, KL6M and VA7MM (cw-ssb). Smallest station was Dick PA2DW 2.4m/400W. I heard M0DTS calling OK2DL but never heard him again. I also worked N4CNN (SC) on cw for an initial.
Thanks to all who came on, Im sure the really big signals from HB9Q and PI9CAM gave many their first ssb QSOs on 23cm.
73, Peter G3LTF
400W 6m dish.