Holiday style activity from Ronny, LA/DL1RNW
Holiday style activity from Ronny, LA/DL1RNW

Termin: 31.07 - 15.08.2016 r.

Lokator: JP22

Pasma: 50 MHz; 144 MHz;

Via MS / TR

Holiday style activity from Ronny, DL1RNW

During my vacation I plan to be QRV from JP22.
I will be active on 2m and 6m via MS / TR.
Should allow time and weather still activate other locators.
Information on location and times I will announce in MMMonVHF.
144Mhz TS2000+HLV1000+11elY
50Mhz TS2000+Yagi

73s and gd DX
Ronny DL1RNW