Hermann DL2NUD will be qrv with the call D44TVD
Hermann DL2NUD will be qrv with the call D44TVD

LATEST NEWS by HB9Q, dated 2016-05-06:
Hermann is very sorry to announce that he will NOT be QRV 3cm. Due to performance problems of the used antenna system (mainly lack of suited horn) he had to make the decision not to take the 3cm equipment with him.

Now the good news: Hermann plans to be QRV as follows:

11. May:
If all goes well he should become QRV before his MS, he will be on 5760.100

12. May:
5760.100 from MR to MS

13. May:
2320.100 from MR to MS, 2304 on request (HB9Q eme-logger)

14. / 15. May:
1296.100 from MR to MS

16. May:
2320.100 from MR to MS, 2304 on request (HB9Q eme-logger)

17. May:
5760.100 from MR to MS

18. - 23. May:
He will decide during the activity what band what day, depending on needs, he will announce on moon-net, mmmonVHF and on HB9Q logger
Hermann was told that there is good WIFI at his QTH, so communication should be no problem.
Stay tuned for more information!
Good luck to all working this NEW-ONE!

Vy 73, Dan HB9Q on behalf of Hermann DL2NUD