Zawody Marconi Memorial Contest VHF - CW
7 - 8.11.2015r Poprawione wyniki 2015
Poprawione wyniki Zawodów MMC 144 MHz 2015r.

Hi to all,

after some email received we noted some problems in the final results of
MMC 2015.

Main problem was inside a script in our checking software about the
computing of the final score; the second problem was about the incorrect
format of some EDI logs and we had problems to understand the correct
contest category.

This year we reached 866 logs but some of them had some EDI tags not well
written and we had problems with our cross-check algorithm.

Now we published again the final results, some participants have now changed
some positions in the classification.

Here the link (same as before) :

Our apologies

MMC Committee

A.R.I. - VHF & Up Manager Coordinator
IV3KKW Alessandro Carletti

Web page: OK VHF Club