Aktywność EME 1,3 GHz w EA6
Aktywność EME w EA6

Dear 1296 gang

I'm on Ibiza Isl. EA6 for some holidays and did bring Bodos DF8DX/HB9EHJ
portable EME station, just for fun. This is not a DXpedition, I do have
private commitments here ;-)) . I will be QRV a couple times the coming 10
days. I thought better only limited QRV than not at all ;-))

I've set-up today the station and it all works well. however, wind is an
issue here. I'm overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. catching some strong
winds at times, very gusty. but spectacular view and good EME window.

I'm using my US-call for this activity, as I did 2009 in for the
V5-DXpedition. My QTH is JM08ov, Ibiza Isl, EA6-DXCC. My internet connection
is not stable. never the less I try to be on HB9Q 1296 logger when QRV.
Equipment is 1x49y horizontal, 2.5m above ground, no preamp, 5m cable, about
90W at dipole.

Tomorrow I will be QRV as follows, weather permitting (forecast is good),
for last minute update see HB9Q logger:

15. April from 06.00 until 12.00z on 1296.100 JT65c EA6/KT6Q 1st. I'll be
CQing there and at the same time stand-by on the logger (if
internet-connection allows).

Next activity will be 23. April. I hope to be QRV also 24. April. The moon
has higher declination than, so hope to be QRV for VK/JA and W/VE windows as
well. Exact times will be announced on moon-net a few days in advance.

I know EA6 was very active on 1296 EME many years back. but maybe it is
still new for some of you. but don't forget, this is holidays and not a
serious DXpedition!

I hope to work many of you!

Vy 73, Dan EA6/KT6Q alias HB9Q/HB9CRQ