Wyprawa do Zimbabwe - Z21EME

Hello all,
just for an info, yesterday I worked Z21EME on 2m
with unexpectedly booming signals -24dB in peek,
QSO was done in less than 10 minutes after my first
call. It was nice surprise for me because during
PE1L's expeditions we usual made it after several days
of attempts. I used on 2m single 10el dk7zb with noisy
background (Prague), 16m long H1000 cable and
MGF1302 LNA in shack.

But what was absolutely incredible for me, I worked Z21EME
even on 432 MHz!! It's my first ever 1Y to 1Y EME QSO on
this band. I remember Bernd's DL7APV article in Dubus that
something like that should be possible due to VK3UM's calculations
but I've never thought that it's possible for me because of big noise.

First when I logged at HB9Q chat, I saw that Z21EME was
spotted by OK1DFC -12dB and better than -22dB by PA2V
with his 4x23el LFA yagi. As far I knew that Peter PA2V
had the same RX capabilities with his single 23el LFA yagi
like me I realized that it could be possible to see Z21EME
some 5dB worse, so around -27dB. Later Z21EME was decoded
by NC1I -12dB and I saw Frank NC1I during his QSO -15dB.
After that I decoded OH6UW -27dB and later even G4EZP -29dB.
What a condx! While I was watching in both periods I realized
that there is one weak trace only i Z21EME period. During QSO
with another station I saw ST messages. Yes it's Z21EME, WOW.
And after that - pop up, I decoded -29dB msg! After that I started calling
and nothing was decoded so I wrote Z21EME sri missed you in noise,
tnx for test. They wrote sri we saw you -27dB! Since then I was
watching their frequency and started calling when they got stronger
again. Then 2 periods of break for PA cooling and suddenly I
decoded both callsign with OOO ;-) Signal felt down in noise again
but after 12min I finally decoded final RRR. ST can be seen on
my printscreen of SpecJT. After QSO Chris from Z21EME wrote
me that they saw me -25dB in peek, truly amazing! I know that
guys like SM4IVE, etc would say hey that's cheating with such a
weak signal, but I don't care oczko

Pictures from QSOs at:

I still can't believe that Z21EME used on 70cm only 38el M2 and 400W
(directly next to antenna), but it seems be true. Before this 1Y - 1Y QSO
the smallest stations in my 70cm log were UA4AQL 2x26el 700W (-27dB)
and EA3XU 2x21elY 500W (-27dB).

My equipment at: http://ok1teh.nagano.cz/equip.htm

Conclusion: don't be shy to try work Z21EME with Single Yagi
on 2m and 70cm, it's possible!

73 & big tnx to Z21EME team
Matej, OK1TEH

PS. Ja nie zajmuje sie lacznosciami JT, ale potrafie docenic wyczyn na digi - gratulacje!!!
Z takim wyposazeniem mozna rowniez robic lqcznosci na CW z wieloma stacjami na swiecie wesoły ...