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rss dla SATELITY, STACJE KOSMICZNE,  Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieLow-Cost 10 GHz SSB Receiver
SP6MLK154016.08.2019 08:13:13
nowe posty w temacieChinese satellite DSLWP-2 (Longjian-2) gives RF spectrum of Earth seen from Moon - G0SFJ
SP6MLK262213.08.2019 22:12:30
nowe posty w temacieContact via UHF ISS Digipeater - KG4AKV
SP6MLK147612.08.2019 07:51:43
nowe posty w temacieC37URA - First activation of C3 on QO-100
SP6MLK156411.08.2019 08:59:32
nowe posty w temacie BRICSAT2 and PSAT2 designated Navy-OSCAR 103 (NO-103) and Navy- OSCAR 104 (NO-104)
SP6MLK152206.08.2019 11:37:27
nowe posty w temacieGruzja nowy krajem DXCC na satelicie QO-100 - SP9DLM
Członek OKK "SP UKF" - SP0VHF
SP6MLK255229.07.2019 08:20:30
nowe posty w temacie2400 MHz 90 degree hybrid coupler for instance for QO-100 - DD1US
SP6MLK155828.07.2019 09:57:12
nowe posty w temacieDayton Satellite Demonstrations Videos
SP6MLK150515.07.2019 07:58:43
nowe posty w temaciePortable 2m/70cm antenna for working satellites - KG0ZZ
SP6MLK152514.07.2019 07:18:32
nowe posty w temacie70cm and 2m Helical - G8JNJ
SP6MLK154613.07.2019 06:40:02
nowe posty w temacieThe $4.00 satellite ham radio antenna - KG0ZZ
SP6MLK153413.07.2019 06:36:08
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor Show: Demonstration of QO-100 satellite operation
SP6MLK152208.07.2019 07:49:35
nowe posty w temacieEs'hail2: inexpensive antenna for 2.4GHz - CT1BAT
SP6MLK152906.07.2019 00:38:29
nowe posty w temacieEs'hail-2 Oscar 100 Dual Band Patch Antenna
SP6MLK268306.07.2019 00:00:12
nowe posty w temacieEs'hail-2 LNBs
SP6MLK156404.07.2019 08:25:45
nowe posty w temacieSensational first ever contact via moon orbiting transponder DSLWP-B
SP6MLK144803.07.2019 22:32:25
nowe posty w temaciePower amplifier for 2.4GHz up link Es'Hail 2 satellite
SG Laboratory Ltd
SP6MLK151003.06.2019 09:09:15
nowe posty w temacie3 el. 146 MHz and 5 el. 436 MHz to work via satellite antena - EW8AU
SP6MLK151301.06.2019 08:44:52
nowe posty w temaciePavel OK1AIY na QO-100
SP6MLK153001.06.2019 08:20:00
nowe posty w temacieYBN 3+7 SAT Compact Yagi for Satellite Operation, handheld or on small tripod - DG7YBN
144 MHz/432 MHz
SP6MLK152029.05.2019 08:16:47
nowe posty w temaciePatch array antenna for Es’Hail-2satellite - OK2AQ
Członek OKK "SP UKF" - SP0VHF
SP6MLK156728.05.2019 08:05:11
nowe posty w temacieExternal 25MHz reference on Starcom LNB - PE1CKK
SP6MLK158425.05.2019 00:23:52
nowe posty w temacieOpera Beacon/QSO mode over Es'hail-2 / QO-100 Geostationary Satellite
SP6MLK148424.05.2019 19:08:13
nowe posty w temacieRSGB AGM QO-100 talk now available
SP6MLK153304.05.2019 11:44:15
nowe posty w temacieS-band transverter testing Es'HailSat2 here I come - 9A4QV
SP6MLK-91156901.05.2019 13:12:50
nowe posty w temacieADALM PlutoTX output power at 2.4 GHz - DD1US
SP6MLK157311.04.2019 14:45:14
nowe posty w temacieUp-konvertor pro EsHail-2 - OK2HAZ
SP6MLK153704.04.2019 07:21:58
nowe posty w temacieRTX COH2438.75 B74.5 L1.2 A60SBandpassfilter - DD1US
SP6MLK153201.04.2019 08:00:05
nowe posty w temacieStabil 25 MHz LO til LNB - OZ7Z
SP6MLK158327.03.2019 07:06:19
nowe posty w temacieDualband Feed for EsHail-2 / Qatar-OSCAR 100 - DD1US
SP6MLK158426.03.2019 09:08:13
nowe posty w temacieJeště jedna úprava LNB - OK1CJH
SP6MLK153723.03.2019 22:03:13
nowe posty w temacie AMSAT-DL QO-100 Up and Downconverter kit modifications announcement
SP6MLK157320.03.2019 14:22:12
nowe posty w temacieEs’hail-2 Transverter - DJ7GP
SP6MLK288618.03.2019 10:00:44
nowe posty w temaciePoslech geostacionárního transpondéru EsHail-2 - OK2HAZ
SP6MLK154817.03.2019 08:49:06
nowe posty w temacieAMSAT OSCAR-13 Telemetry Block Format - DD1US
SP6MLK151915.03.2019 00:19:43
nowe posty w temacieEs'Hail test u OK1DST
SP6MLK11 26011.03.2019 12:19:28
nowe posty w temacieMy other equipments for satellite communicaton - OM7AQ
SP6MLK151309.03.2019 16:13:38
nowe posty w temacieAnténa OK2AQ pro Es'Hail-2 - OK2AQ
SP6MLK155609.03.2019 16:10:51
nowe posty w temacieQO-100 / Es'hail uplink
SP6MLK155509.03.2019 07:44:37
nowe posty w temacieA Simple S/X Dual-Band Coaxial Feed for SatelliteCommunication - OM6AA
SP6MLK152309.03.2019 07:38:38

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